Posted by Toko Alat Kedokteran


In medicine, a nebulizer is a device used to administer medication to people in the form of a mist inhaled into the lungs.

Omron NEC28

Posted by Toko Alat Kedoketeran

Reflex Hammer

A reflex hammer is a medical instrument used by physicians to test deep tendon reflexes. Testing for reflexes is important to detect abnormalities in the central or peripheral nervous system.

ABN buck
ABN taylor
General Care buck
General Care taylor

Posted by Toko Alat Kedoketeran


A penlight is a small, pen-sized flashlight, usually containing two AA batteries or AAA batteries.

Penlight ABN
General Care alumunium
General Care plastik

Posted by Toko Alat Kedoketeran

Monitoring System

Fast, easy and reliable determination of blood glucose, cholesterol, and uric acid in the physicians’ office or for home use by patients.

NESCO 2in1 and 3in1
Easy Touch 3in1
On Call Plus Glukosa
Gluco Dr
Accu Check Active

ABN Compa Mist-1

 ABN Compa Mist 1

Alat bantu pernapasan portabel ini sangat praktis digunakan bagi pengguna dengan mobilitas tinggi.

Fitur :

* Kompresor dengan piston berkulitas tinggi
* Mudah untuk dihirup walaupun dalam posisi bersandar
* Dapat digunakan tanpa harus dipegang
* Nebulizer kit dapat di autoclave
* Mempunyai tempat penyimpanan aksesoris
* Dapat dihirup melalui mulut dan hidung
* Menggunakan tenaga listrik
* Mudah dibersihkan dan disterilisasi
* Kapasitas obat 6mL
* Ukuran partikel 5µ
* Dapat dipakai untuk anak-anak dan dewasa
* Sisa obat sedikit "1mL
* Dilengkapi dengan tas penyimpanan nebulizer & aksesoris

Spesifikasi Teknis :
* Supply voltage AC 230V/50Hz, 230V/60Hz,
* Power consumption Approx.100 watt (230V/50Hz, 240V/50Hz)
* Approx.110 watt (230/60Hz)
* Dimensions 180(W) x 110(H) x 290(D) mm
* Weight Approx. 2.3 kg
* Nebulization rate Average 0.25* ml/min.
* Particle size Less than 5.0* (µm MMAD**)
* Max. air flow 10 l/m
* Max. air pressure 2.5 bar (250 kPa)
* Operating conditions Temperature: 10°C - 40°C
* Humidity: 10% - 95% RH
* Storage conditions Temperature: -25°C - 70°C
* Humidity: 10% - 95% RH
* Accessories Nebulizer kit, air tube, child & adult mask, 5 spare filters, instruction manual